2025 - Starting with Blogger Apps Review

Google Apps Review: 4.2/5 Ipohboytech | Ipohboymedia : 3/5 My Random Thoughts Gosh, years gone by, I do open own my blog from time to time. Reading back those silly sentences and thoughts, I felt a bit nostalgia. I just can't believe my last update was Sep 23, on another famous foodie in Ipoh - Cowan Taukeh Chicken .   Blogging Scene  Fast forward to 2025, blogging seems to be an "uncool" but still remains as one of the important SEO indices.  Have I told you? My laptop is getting so slow at the point that starting the laptop will take around 5 mins.  So, this post is also my first to type on my S23 Ultra using the blogger apps. Yup, you read it right,  therefore, anticipate lesser words from this Ipohboy/ IpohUncle. Blogger Apps Review Let's cut to the chase, on the pros and cons on using an apps to update a blogger. PRO The apps design is almost similar to the web based system Apps runs quite smoothly and fast Very Handy and can direct draft y...

Crazy Rich Asian 2018, Not That Crazy Actually

Crazy Rich Asian 2018
IBJ: 6/10 by @Ipohboyjourney
#IMBD: 6.9/10
#RottenTomato: 91/100

#spoileralert #IBJ #IBJRATING #IBJMOVIE #MOVIE #REVIEW #HollywoodMovie #Asian #Racism #YellowWashing

The vibrant colour of Eastern culture is so beautiful and I love it.  But I don’t love, because it involved too many “yellow-washing” (not racist here) and other controversial issues. Of course, a lot of people just watched a movie from a viewer point of view. But, I am very much less shallow on the movie production because to me, a movie is sacred with the cast and storyline, even pre-filming is important.  Actually, one of the producers (unnamed) suggested to “white-wash” heroine Rachel Chu, but was declined by the author, #KevinKwan. Now, with all cast mainly be Asians (excluding Indians and Malays), isn’t this a form of “yellow-washing”? This contradicts with Sepet 2004 in which all dialects, races were featured in the movie (https://ipohboyjourney.blogspot.com/2020/06/sepet-2004-Yasmin-Ahmad.html).

The storyline is simple and comedic, I think love comedy is often sweet and nice to watch. This is also one of the highest gross love movies in the decade, I guess. Guy (#HenryGolding) and girl (#ConstanceWu) fell in love, but guy never told girl that he is a crazy rich Asian. Mom (#MichelleYeoh) surely will hate the girl because she thinks her golden child deserves better.

This main dislikes:
  • -     Henry Golding was not really a newcomer, he started off as 8TV’s Quickie Host when he was like 20 plus. The issue with him was never his look, but his acting was indeed as dull as his person. [But, Kudo to him though for calling out the Miss Universe Malaysia though for her racism remarks (Good note)]. His body and boyish charms are still yummy to girls and guys alike. LOL.
  • -    Storyline is not fresh to Southeast Asia. Because, a lot of local dramas are using this kind of wealth dispute theme (like Prince and Commoner/ Princess and Commoner). Not a fresh storyline to my taste
  • -    Film was having all those characters to speak British/ USA English. Come on, what happen to #Manglish and #Singlish ? It is a very nice cultural mixed from Malaysia and Singapore, and even Thailand, etc.!
  • -    Pierre Png as the Astrid’s husband, was showing off his abs rather than his acting. He is such as hottie, why he acted so stiff like his muscle in the movie.
  • -     Most of the scenes were mainly taken in Malaysia, including the place where Astrid got her jewellery (Astor Bar St Regis), ancestral mansion (Carcosa Seri Negara), Cheng Fatt Tze Mansion Penang, Four Season Resort Langkawi,  Eastern and Oriental Hotel Penang (I got go there and kepoh a while), Musse Bangsar, MIECC Serdang (Flight cabin)…. (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1998623870174910&id=100000819480512). Eventually, what did Malaysia get? Tourism to Singapore increased after the movie. But dear tourist, you will never find those destinations in Singapore.
  • -     Yellow-washing (as mentioned before). What was so astonishing to me was there was not even a single angmoh lang (Westerners) found during the wedding ceremony. Come on, a famous socialite would have Westerners, China people, etc from flown from all over the world.

Of course, if you just watch a comedic movie, it is nice because more than several points are funny. Of course, come on, all the hot guys are eye-candies, and their jobs to be sexy symbols nowadays! But to me, sometimes, movie educates us to think out of the box, and to care for other issues such as equality, races, violence. Sorry to say, Crazy Rich Asian, is not my cup of tea.

Email for enquiry: ipohboyjourney@gmail.com
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ipohboyjourney/
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