2025 - Starting with Blogger Apps Review

Google Apps Review: 4.2/5
Ipohboytech | Ipohboymedia : 3/5

My Random Thoughts

Gosh, years gone by, I do open own my blog from time to time. Reading back those silly sentences and thoughts, I felt a bit nostalgia. I just can't believe my last update was Sep 23, on another famous foodie in Ipoh - Cowan Taukeh Chicken.  

Blogging Scene 

Fast forward to 2025, blogging seems to be an "uncool" but still remains as one of the important SEO indices. 

Have I told you? My laptop is getting so slow at the point that starting the laptop will take around 5 mins.  So, this post is also my first to type on my S23 Ultra using the blogger apps. Yup, you read it right,  therefore, anticipate lesser words from this Ipohboy/ IpohUncle.

Blogger Apps Review

Let's cut to the chase, on the pros and cons on using an apps to update a blogger.

  1. The apps design is almost similar to the web based system
  2. Apps runs quite smoothly and fast
  3. Very Handy and can direct draft your post anytime, anywhere

  1. Not all Web based functions are available, like bullet list
  2. Missing label detection
  3. Cannot resize image insert
  4. Sometimes can go haywire with the draft

Therefore all and all, ipohboytech is rating a solid 3 out of 5. Do let me know what to think 🤔.  

Signing out - IpohBoy
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  1. The Blogger app is perfect for photoblogs with little to no textual content. Bloggers who primarily provide rich textual content should stick with the old Blogger dashboard.

    Yes, you are quite right. Blogging is no longer as popular as it once was, but it is still the best way to share meaningful content on the web.

    1. Indeed, there are too many missing functions on the aps.

      Yeah, I do like to post on blogger, instead of fb. Hope blogger get a stronger revamp


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