2025 - Starting with Blogger Apps Review

Google Apps Review: 4.2/5 Ipohboytech | Ipohboymedia : 3/5 My Random Thoughts Gosh, years gone by, I do open own my blog from time to time. Reading back those silly sentences and thoughts, I felt a bit nostalgia. I just can't believe my last update was Sep 23, on another famous foodie in Ipoh - Cowan Taukeh Chicken .   Blogging Scene  Fast forward to 2025, blogging seems to be an "uncool" but still remains as one of the important SEO indices.  Have I told you? My laptop is getting so slow at the point that starting the laptop will take around 5 mins.  So, this post is also my first to type on my S23 Ultra using the blogger apps. Yup, you read it right,  therefore, anticipate lesser words from this Ipohboy/ IpohUncle. Blogger Apps Review Let's cut to the chase, on the pros and cons on using an apps to update a blogger. PRO The apps design is almost similar to the web based system Apps runs quite smoothly and fast Very Handy and can direct draft y...

Lincolnshire, The Most Happening Christmas Market in United Kingdom, Part 3 (Street View)

Oh gosh, happy new year (^^)... I was totally preoccupied with lots of bizarre matters. Anyhow, This will be the final post on Lincoln, a city in Lincolnshire, as continued from Part 1 and Part 2.

Basically, the name United Kingdom has its basis. In fact, after visiting more than 5 cities in UK, you will notice their strong resemblance,from their beautiful paved street and old-cultured buildings, being quite UNITED. Lincoln, as mentioned, is one of the nicest cathedral cities in UK. Well, not much to write about the beauty of UK, why don't you just see it yourself (^^) 

A beautiful road sign (^^) 

A sign about the West Gate of the Castle.

A beautiful Russian Dolls Stall, displaying at the Christmas Market

Beautiful wall of pines and fruits (^^)

A very nostalgic fun fair stall at the Christmas Market. Actually, what I like about UK is that they still retain such beautiful event for every festival (^^)

The Lincoln Cathedral with its close up (^^)

The beautiful cathedral is like a sister to the famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris 

Final Part Ends ! (^^) 

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